Life can change so quickly. A couple of weeks ago my dad's health suddenly became critical and he was admitted to the hospital. Mom and I traded off every other night staying with him so that one of us would be rested. After lots of meds, IVs and tender loving care he came home after 8 days, to be doted on by my mom, my sister and me.
From the beginning of his journey with cancer we decided that when possible, his doctors take the weekends off so we would too. It is a nice break to not have appointments, treatments, and procedures. Just lay low, watch some movies and nap. It's funny how important time with family has become, once again.
For the most part my customers have been very supportive. They know that when I return to Hawaii, I will do my best to finish all the bags I have on order. I apologize for any inconveniences. My parents need me right now and my love for them trumps my passion of making bags.
Today, however, I did take a little excursion with my mom and I found a store selling burlap coffee bags from companies that I didn't have. Some are from Guatemala and Brazil. My love for Kona Coffee and the culture from my hometown is still a priority but I think the green frog coffee bag from the Rain Forest Alliance will be fun to work with! Debbi from Farm and Home in Coeur d'Alene was so kind to dig through her pallets to find me some interesting bags. Hopefully, she will find some more fun coffee bags for me before I head back to Hawaii.
Fortunately, my Menehune Man has been continuing to cut burlap and make linings for me while I am gone. Have I mentioned lately how lucky I am?
a hui hou
sorry to hear about your family emergency.
I followed a link here about bags and found out that your Etsy store is temporarily closed.
I look forward to seeing you come back and open up shop again!
Thank you so much for your comment. My store will be opened by mid October with lots of new items in time for the holidays.
Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to let me know that you did!
Barb Sasaki
Your dropping everything and heading for Idaho when we needed you so much has meant everything to us. I just wanted to say "Thanks!"
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